Australia has a minimum wage law of about Aust$511 per week. USA about USD5.15 per hour, UK about 5.35 pounds/hour.
According to the Singapore Department of Statistics, The average wage for the lowest 10% of households with income earners was S$459 in year 2000. Bear in mind that 2000 was before SARS and 9/11. For some reason I can't find data on income distribution on the Stat Dept website newer that year 2000. But I figure there will not be a huge difference in the 2006 Data.
Click here for full article.
Some Benefits with implementing a minimum wage law (from wikipedia)
1. Increases the average living standard
2. Creates incentive to work.
3. Minimum wage is administratively simple; workers only need to report violations of wages less than minimum, minimizing a need for a large enforcement agency
4. Stimulates consumption, by putting more money in the hands of low-income people who spend their entire paychecks
5. Increases the work ethic of those who earn very little, as employers demand more return from the higher cost of hiring these employees
6. Decreases the cost of government social welfare programs by increasing incomes for the lowest-paid.
Maybe we should get an MP and lobby for minimum wage laws here in Singapore.
Are you one of those that starts thinking "As long as I give my 10% of my paycheck" or "I donate to charity every month"? Are we, Singaporeans that narcissistic? Do we start ignoring the very real situation about poverty here in Singapore? As long as there is a roof over your head, you got a job, a comfortable life, you children go to school, they are safe, PAP is fine?
Has narcissism and materialism infected the majority of Singaporeans to such a degree, that they think only of their own households, and choose to believe or play along with whatever the PAP says, as long as status quo is maintained?
The poverty here in Singapore is just the symptom of a larger problem (but thats another post of another day). With a fully controlled press that practices self censorship, Singaporeans who are not exposed to foreign press, are only getting one side of the whole story.
Get the government to do something about the high influx of foreign workers, get the government to do something about the minimum wage, and the poorest of the poor here in Singapore. Make them bloody work for their still unjustified multi million dollar salaries.
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